Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Technical Working Group (DRS-TWG) represents the core of Ministry of Health’s (MOH) Diabetic Retinopathy Screening team.
The group has identified that going forward in order for it to be relevant and competitive it needs to have capacity and capabilities that cover the Learning Content Development as well as data learning analytics. This was a challenging proposition if considered only in light of the activities that the group has involved in. Diabetic Retinopathy Screening was the game changer that provided awareness and vantage point with partners invested in the divestment of its own high level capabilities to TWG.
TWG has therefore got to increase its value adding capability through increasing its internal value capabilities as well as create via existing or new digital business units. Towards achieving the above, TWG via Ministry of Health (MOH) has cascaded a CSR project for 2019 to MOH.